10:41 PM

Today's Greek chocolate lovenote says
'love me when i least deserve it...because that's when i'll need it most'


My dartboard said...


J said...

greek chocolate? i've never had those. they make some lovely desserts though :)

My dartboard said...

greeks love young boys too. ever heard about the greek baker who got caught kneading the dough? look ma no hands. that's just not sparta.

Waseem said...

Your blog contributes to my sweet tooth, thats why i love it :)

Ruby :) said...

i love those chocolates.. have you heard about the reason why there are notes in them?
kinda like a romeo and juliet story, where two lovers were unable to meet, and so sent love notes/poems under chocolate wrappers .. and Baci was born!!

qdee said...

helo helo :)
jojo! i'll keep some for you

OH: lol, trust you to hear these stories

was: omg, you're right. iv had pics of cakes and icecream and chocs and ate cruchies up quite a lot...maybe im high on sugars.

ruby ruby ruby! really? wow, thats the coolest thing..im gonna look at them in a whole new light now.thanx sweety

juju said...

That is so gay.

Anonymous said...

yeah.. To me that sounds like one demanding psycho-chick.. "I'll do whatever i want and you must still love me! Get it? Got it? Good!"
I'll just be glad with the chocolates thanx.. nzr

qdee said...

juju- its a pity ppl just dont get it.
nazeer- lol believe me, guys are worse. i got a crazy story for you

juju said...

I get it.
I just think it's very gay, and very corny.

qdee said...

We all need a lil corn now and then. but if it constipates you, i'll bring you some dulcolax

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